Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's not a choice...

For years and years I've felt different. As if I were born with this thing that seperated me from a large part of the population, and it wasn't my fault, or my parents fault, or my grandparents fault, it was no one's fault and no one could change it. It was hard growing up like this. I had to come to grips with the fact that there were people who thought I wasn't "normal" and disagreed with the way I drove down this particular avenue of my life, even though I had no choice in the matter. And I've tried to be "normal", believe me I've tried. After some research, I've come to find out that in fact I was born with this, it's not a choice, and before I even entered this crazy world, this path had been laid out by my genetics. I was destined to hate cilantro.

According to studies, there is actually a genetic polymorhism for a receptor that influences the way a person senses the taste of cilantro. They don't know for sure, but it most likely is a codominant trait. People with one or more copies of one variant tend to taste it as "soapy" or "like licking a battery" in my case. You have no idea how relieved I was to find this information out. Many times people have yelled hurtful things due to my dislike of cilantro. Calling me "crazy", or telling me I don't know what I'm missing. I'll tell ya what I'd like to be missing...the cilantro in my tacos, thankyouverymuch!

I'm curious as to how many of my fellow gays are cilantro-haters. Wouldn't it be crazy if the 2 went hand in hand. Like at a young age, you could give a kid some cilantro and if they hated it, you'd know you had a big 'ol lez on your hands and you could send her away to some farm where she had room to run and play. The cilantro test would save everyone lots of trouble, years of heartache, and boatloads of questions. Like wondering why your pretty little girl refuses to wear a dress, or why your handsome young boy refuses to not wear a dress(I know I'm making sweeping generalizations here, but sometimes I feel like it) Ooh, and then those of us who "hate cilantro" could use it as a code..."Yeah, I'd like a taco, hold the cilantro"...wink. But I digress...

Hating cilantro, as well as being a big mo, are just 2 of the many things that us humans have no control over. So don't hate me because I don't like cilantro, I can't help it!

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